- In 1914, the Ediacra deposit was regarded as the most important deposit of silver-lead ore so far.
- The field was discovered in 1869 and produced about 7 440 tonnes of lead and 6.5 tonnes of silver from about 24 000 tonnes of ore between 1888 and 1913.
- The main workings were by Southern, Greenwood and Morish.
- Ward, L. Keith (Government Geologist) 1914, Mineral Wealth. In Handbook of South Australia. Published by the authority of the Government in connections with the visit of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Australian Meeting, 1914, edited by D.J. Gordon and V. H. Ryan: 93-107. Government Printer, Adelaide.
- DMITRE Minerals http://www.minerals.dmitre.sa.gov.au/geological_survey_of_sa/geology/commodities/silver