Local Government
Four councils have responsibilities in the Flinders Ranges: Flinders Ranges Council: main towns Hawker and Quorn District Council of Mount Remarkable: main towns Melrose and Wilmington District Council of Orroroo Carrieton City of Port Augusta The Outback Communities Authority takes the place of councils in the outback. It covers about 65% of South Australia. Flinders communities covered by this authority are:
- Beltana
- Blinman
- Copley
- Leigh Creek
- Lyndhurst
- Parachilna
Community Groups
Community groups run sports clubs and shows, raise money for schools, hospitals and churches, swimming pools, golf course and tennis courts. And they run events of all sorts, right through the year – mostly to raise money for something, but also just to get together and have fun.

State Library of South Australia B61545. The cast in costume for the Quorn School production of Snow White, 1923.
Some of the groups that have played, and play, an important part in regional life are:
Boy Scouts
- Set up in Quorn by 1910. Girl guides and Brownies too, but they have gone.
- Scout groups are at Crystal Brook, Gladstone, and Murray Town (Wirrabara) 2012
Drama Club Quorn 1974
Senior Citizens Service clubs like Apex and Lions
Kindergarten 1973
Masonic Lodge 1910-1978
Red Cross WWII – closed early 1950s, many members had left Quorn and others retired.
RSL – formed late 1918 in Quorn. In March 2012 the only RSL clubs listed on the State Branch website are in Booleroo, Crystal Brook, Jamestown and Melrose.
Quorn Tourism and Progress Association 1969
Communities run sporting events, work to build facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and golf clubs.